Saturday, May 30, 2009

The First Day...

They say the last day of your life
is usually the most normal,
but for obvious reasons,
ends as the worst day of your life.

I beg to differ on the sentiments,
opinions of people I will never meet.
In my own altered and skewed vision,
the beginning of my existence tops all...
reigns supreme as the worst day in my short history.

Unarmed? That isn't the issue...
most people are unarmed for life's combat.
The most unprotected mental state and environment...

Perhaps mistaking snakes for tulips
and puddles for vortexes,
misunderstanding one's spoken love language
for verbal curses and Witches' spells,
sprayed bullets are taken
onto the body as cologne mists...

You are molded by hands that
you have no hand in choosing,
watched over by eyes that
you can't seem to read,

influenced by the liquors of that individual's life,
when you don't even know what drunk looks like...
I'm encompassed by Angels and Demons,
trying to make out who's who in a pitchblack room
and everybody's tapping me on the shoulder,
talking at the same time; shouting matches...

Yet you look to me for strength...
to be some type of guiding light...
I'm not going to lie to you,
I don't even know where I'm going...
barely know where I've been

Just figured out this life was a game...
how to win? Furthest thing from my mind.
I wasn't aware of what some call a "3rd eye",
so I'm guessing mine has gone blind.

It's okay to lose faith in me once you see me close my eyes
Sometimes I need a break from this world and my problems
that I don't seem to have the answer to in this crowded room...
But listen to me and take this with you on your journeys...
I only want you to not put faith in the wrong places...
because life is a gap-toothed bitch, and those are some big spaces...

don't focus on the smile, there's much more to be offered
as long as you don't lose sight; treat it like a whore...
I mean, have plenty of fun, but don't fall for her...
because the minute you think this is it,
you'll have the rug pulled from underneath you...
and reality is a hard floor to fall on unexpectedly.

Just brace yourself, it's what life's smile needs...
So the day that you look up and begin to see the beauty,
it'll be due to the necessary work you saw fit to endure.

1 comment:

  1. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    why are you not published???? this shit was FIYAH
